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ShaftDesigner will be sold in a modular structure. The core package is necessary for the additional modules
to work.
The Basic package consists of:
- The fully customizable Graphical User Interface including,
- The 3D graphical environment.
- The base model creator in order to calculate easily and keep all applications updated
- Shaft alignment calculation supporting conventional shaft alignment techniques.
- Application to fully customize the reports as well as the export functions.
The Following modules are also available at additional cost
- Whirling Vibrations: The
main result of the whirling vibration calculation is the list of critical speeds for forward and
backward whirling.
- The Bending Vibrations
application calculates free vibration characteristics such as natural frequencies, mode shapes as
well as resonance speeds.
- The Axial Vibrations module
includes free vibration as well as forced vibration calculation possibilities.
- Torsional Vibrations
calculations are performed from the mass-elastic model created with the graphical editor and also
includes both free and forced vibrations.
Note: All modules use data from the same base model, eliminating the need to re-enter values.